We inspire and direct the child to discover the best of who they are and lead them to achieve their potential.
At Casa Dee Montessori school we recognize and promote respect for children as the unique, competent, capable and curious individuals that they are. The child’s social and emotional development along with academic development and Peace Education are the focal point of our program.
At Casa Dee Montessori school we encourage our students to choose their own work, and when engaged in that work, may continue for as long as they care to. There is respect amongst the children and respect for one another’s work and work space. AMA’s teachers facilitate learning and coach students.
Our students learn that mistakes are natural steps in the learning process. They learn to collaborate and work together on major projects. They strive for their personal best in this non-graded environment rather than competing for the highest grade in the class.
The Montessori method is a system of education that encompasses both a philosophy of the child's growth and a rationale for guiding such growth.
Our curriculum and learning activities are set up to enhance four developmental areas: physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and creative.
The values we respect are freedom, dignity and independence. Children are doing activities for themselves carefully and competently.

"Give the child the possiblity of the laws of his nature so that he can become STRONG and thatn we hoped for him"
- Maria Montessori
" The child makes use of all that he finds around him, shapes himself for the future"
- Maira Montessori
"If teaching is to be effective with young children, it must assist them, to advance on the way to independance"
- Maira Montessori
Our curriculum and learning activities are set up to enhance four developmental areas: physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and creative. The values we respect are freedom, dignity and independence. Children are doing activities for themselves carefully and competently.

Children of different ages working alongside each other
The child works at his/her own pace, according to his needs, interests and abilities.
Non-competitive environment
Children demonstrating a high level of confidence and independence
Children socializing easily and spontaneously with each other and the adults in the environment
Children see teachers as friends
A general atmosphere of fun and happiness
Children build self discipline and good work habits for further school years
This grouping adapts the child's biological clock rather than relying on age as the primary indicator for readiness with instruction. Peer cooperation and tutoring increases achievement and self-esteem in both the older and younger child.
We wish to expose and educate our children about the exciting diversity that makes up our society. The children will learn to embrace and respect the differences within our population today.
It is the expressed desire of the school to create a sense of community within the children through our work in the classroom, education and field trips. Students develop leadership skills as well as independence and self-esteem and multiple intelligences are recognized and encouraged. The multi-age classroom encourages a strong sense of community. Teachers come to know each child’s learning style and students move ahead as quickly as they are ready. Text
Our goal is to create a stimulating and cooperative environment rather than a competitive environment. It is important for the children to develop joy and enthusiasm for learning.
Our programs cultivate authentic, caring relationships and connections to create a sense of belonging among and between children, adults, and the world around them.

Casa Dee staff record the time each child falls asleep and conducts visual inspections. Visual inspections are direct visual checks of each sleeping child by being physically present beside the child while the child is sleeping and looking for indicators of distress or unusual behaviours.
One of Casa Dee’s goals is to establish within the children a sound understanding of safety and good health. We promote safety, health and nutrition by setting positive examples and by enjoying meals and snacks with our students. Our family style meal time provides the opportunity to discuss safety as well as the health benefits of eating well balanced nutritious meals.
At this time, the children learn to embrace the concept of traditional mealtime collaboration, such as setting a table, sharing of a meal and cleaning up after the meal is finished. This is an important part of our program as family is an important part of our environment. Our environment is home-like and our classrooms are warm and comfortable.
Young children benefit from an affirming approach that encourages positive interactions with other children and with adults, rather than from a negative or punitive approach to managing unwanted behaviour.
Casa Dee sets out clear direction regarding prohibitive practices to support the over all well-being of children and forbids corporal punishment of a child, physical restraint of a child, unless the physical restraint is for the purpose of preventing a child from hurting himself/herself or someone else, and is used only as a last resort and only until the risk of injury is no longer imminent.
Casa Dee forbids locking the exits of the centre for the purpose of confining the child or confining the child in an area or room without adult supervision, (unless such confinement occurs during an emergency and is required as part of Casa Dee’s emergency management policy and procedure).
Casa Dee forbids the use of harsh or degrading measures or threats, derogatory language directed at or used in the presence of a child that would humiliate, shame or frighten the child or undermine his or her self-respect, dignity or self-worth.
Casa Dee forbids depriving the child of basic needs including food, drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing or bedding.
Casa Dee forbids inflicting any bodily harm on a child including making a child eat or drink against his/her will.

The Montessori Method assumes that children are born intelligent, they simply learn in different ways and progress at their own pace. At Casa Dee students are free to explore, play and inquire as our classrooms are child focused as opposed to teacher focused.
Children initiate and adults support their experiences. Students develop leadership skills as well as independence and self-esteem and multiple intelligences are recognized and encouraged. The multi-age classroom encourages a strong sense of community.
Teachers come to know each child’s learning style and students move ahead as quickly as they are ready. Text books and workbooks are rarely used because many of the skills and concepts are abstract and a text book simply doesn’t bring them to life. The time-tested Montessori Method relies on hands-on, concrete materials to introduce new concepts. Investigation and research are experiences that actively engage a student.
Outdoor education is a very important part of the Montessori curriculum. Our students learn to care for the outdoor, as well as the indoor, environment. There’s plenty of shade provided by a great number of mature trees, which also provide for learning experiences. Our outdoor program plan includes utilizing riding toys, playing gross motor games and playing with balls, sand and water.
Casa Dee sets high expectations, and challenges all students. Our students develop self-discipline and an integral sense of purpose and motivation.